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10 Ways Digital Signage Transforms Customer Experiences

Interactive Digital Signage

With digital screen technology more advanced and widely available than it’s ever been, creating images that truly dazzle, it only makes sense for businesses to take advantage of the most impressive digital signage solutions and digital displays to ‘wow’ their customers every day.

While paper signage still has a part to play, digital signage screens offer so much more versatility and the chance to connect with the customer on a deeper level in multiple ways while delivering tailored content. More on those in a moment.

At Grade A Technology, we’re experienced vendors of new digital signage and refurbished digital signage that you can use to create a whole new realm of intrigue and excitement for your business patrons, engage audiences and boost your profile and sales.

Better still, even the most eye-popping digital signage is available at a price that won’t break the bank – so be sure to check out our offers today.

Let’s look a little closer into how digital signage can make a huge difference to new and regular customers, creating a lasting impression.

How digital signage is a game-changer for creating a positive customer experience

It informs

Around 65% of the population are what’s known as ‘visual learners.’ This means they’re far more likely to retain information or be impressed by it when it’s presented through a visual medium like digital signage.

By adding digital signage to your business premises, you’re increasing your chances of effectively informing the vast majority of your customers about your products and services, thus boosting your chances of making the sale.

It entertains

Who doesn’t love a good movie?

Video completely dominates the portions of media consumed today, with almost 100% of internet users watching digital videos at least once (but usually way more) every week.

So, if it works for your business, why not entertain your customers with an exciting video presentation on your products and services and present it through gleaming digital signage?

Or, you could even have appealing video content, like music videos or news clips, playing in a waiting room scenario. You could even opt for interactive touch screens, allowing customers to interact directly with the content they’re being presented with.

The options are endless!

Interactive Digital Signage

It attracts

Want to grab somebody’s attention while they’re walking down the street? Beyond grabbing them by the ears (not recommended!), there’s no better way to do it than with big, outstanding digital signage in a storefront window showing off who you are and what you do.

Rich colours, eye-catching animations and pro-grade designs are just some of the things you can display to draw people into your business. If you’ve been relying on old-fashioned signage to do this, it’s time for an upgrade.

It clarifies

Depending on what you do, sometimes, information isn’t the easiest thing for customers to digest.

If there are a lot of intricacies and fine details involved in your process, do away with the paper and clipboards and try digital signage instead.

By being able to blow information up to impressive sizes on large digital screens, you’re helping to clarify information that may not have been so easily understood in small print, putting your customers’ minds at ease while also saving time.

It occupies

Need to kill some time while you arrange paperwork or a product for your customers? Don’t just leave them standing there, give them something to keep them occupied in the form of digital signage.

Nothing kills a potential sale quite like awkwardness, and silence can be deafening. By posting digital signage around your premises, you can occupy your customers during these moments, while also promoting what you do.

It encourages

Given the abundance of visual digital content out there, it only makes sense that most modern consumers are more encouraged to purchase a product or service when there’s a visual element at play; something digital signage can help you take advantage of.

Some marketing analysts suggest consumers are up to 95% more likely to engage with a business or brand if they present their marketing through digital visuals (videos, ads, presentations, etc). 

So if you’re struggling to finalise deals with customers, adding the visual element through new digital signage could be just the subliminal encouragement they need.

It brightens

Nobody enjoys walking into a business premises, only to find it a drab, dull environment. It does nothing to impress or suggest to the customer the business has anything significant to offer.

By brightening up your site with digital signage featuring ultra-sharp 4K displays with High Dynamic Range (HDR) and OLED or QLED technology, you’re helping to create a luminous and welcoming environment as soon as customers walk through the door.

Samsung Digital Signage

It diversifies

Mixing things up is important every once in a while if you want to keep things feeling fresh.

That’s why, when trying to relay information to customers, it’s not always the best policy to stick to one medium – especially if the conversation is long and technical.

So, why not diversify your efforts and balance your information between traditional printouts and digital signage?

By offering more than one medium, you’ll be keeping your customer base on their toes (in a good way!) and maintaining their attention.

It presents an aura of quality

When trying to impress new customers, it pays to make yourself seem as much of an experienced, top-rated professional as possible.

And nothing achieves this like using the latest and greatest tech.

By kitting out your business premises with high-end digital signage, you’ll be presenting an aura of quality and professionalism that so many businesses are lacking, encouraging new customers to make the jump to your products and services permanently.

It’s familiar

Visual presentations are everywhere in the digital age, from the biggest digital billboards to the smallest phone screens. 

That’s why the modern consumer has become so accustomed to this method of presentation, it’s almost a jarring experience not to see it being used by a business.

Want to help your customers experience a feeling of familiarity and comfort in what they see? Start utilising more digital signage and see the results for yourself.

Explore new and refurbished digital signage solutions at Grade A Technology

So you’re finally ready to get on board with digital signage, but you’re not sure where to start? No bother, the team at Grade A Technology is here to help.

With years of experience offering new and refurbished technologies to those in need – including the latest digital signage – you can be sure we have all the products and know-how you need to make digital signage work for you and your business.

We can also offer bespoke technical advice on using the relevant digital signage software, if you require any assistance to use this powerful tool.

Take a look at our selection of new digital signage for business at this link, or why not save a few pennies with refurbished digital signage that’s just as impressive as newer models, only at a fraction of the price?

Alternatively, if you need a hand with your purchase or have any burning questions, feel free to speak to the Grade A Technology team today. We’d be happy to help.

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